Monday, 4 February 2013

Tidy room, tidy mind


So Im going to talk about how tidying my room really does tidy my mind. Now anyone who knows me and has seen my room will be laughing already as they know that 99.9% of the time, my room is a complete and utter mess! May I say though in my defence I'm good when it comes to cleaning, I never leave dirty plates or food wrappers laying around and I can be found regularly and slightly obsessively wiping down all visible surfaces.
My main problem is that Im just so untidy. There never seems to be enough space or storage for all my stuff, everyone says thats because I have too much stuff...and that may just be a little bit this year I am determined to keep my unruly clutter under control.

I have been living with my grandparents now for about four months and I have already outgrown their smallest bedroom...and when I say smallest, its actually a decent 12 by 9 foot but it just wasn't quite enough and my junk slowly started to spill over into the bigger spare room. I would just casually place one or two items from my room into the spare room's wardrobe or drawers until I was no longer placing them but forcefully stuffing them in. Then one day after walking into what had been the pristine spare room but was now merely a growing extension of my room, my nana suggested that "you might as well move into this room..which you've pretty much done already"....

So after three or four days (ok more like two weeks) of solid sorting, organising and building Ikea furniture I moved into my lovely 'new' room with a lovely new workstation and a lovely new set of rules from my nana..."as your living with me and especially as you now have the bigger room, you MUST under all circumstances keep it tidy!
"yes nana, I will"....."even when Im ill though?"
"even when my mates stay over"
"even if scientists prove that it is extremely bad for your health to have a tidy room?"
"...yes Jazz"
"ok but even if my Im ill, all my mates are staying over for the whole weekend, scientists have proven that it is actually lethal to tidy your room aaannddd arms and legs have fallen off in a freak accident...?"
She just walked away.....guess I won that one...

But in all seriousness I do feel soooo much better when my room is tidy, so I had a nosey on google and it turns out that there is a lot of truth in the saying 'a tidy room is a tidy mind'. Sadly for my excuses, many scientists and even oprah winfrey agree that living in an organised environment is good for your health and I definetly feel incredibly panicky, stressed and I would go as far as tearful when my room is untidy...but at the same time I incredibly panicky, stressed and tearful at the thought of tidying it...

Another thing that I found out is that not only does tidying reduce stress and anxiety but it can also reduce my waistline! According to on average you burn around 200 calories per hour cleaning and tidying...ok so I think Im pretty much sold on regular tidying.


Here is a sneak peek at my organisation progress

Above is my Micke workstation from Ikea, the triple mirror, the two desk lamps and the large plastic drawers are from Argos and the smaller plastic drawers are from pound stretcher.
I absolutely adore this workstation! I may do a full review of it because there doesn't seem to be many out there but its ideal for makeup and crafts, behind my mirrors are two magnetic wipeboards which is just so useful, it has a lot of room underneath for more storage and it fits perfectly into the corner of your room...because its..a..corner...unit.....
(Micke workstation -

If corner units aren't your thing but you like this style then your in luck because the wonderful Ikea also do the same workstation in a straight desk unit. Oouu they think of everything!    

 Then there is all my bracelets, my rings and my necklaces.  


Not being able to clearly see each piece of jewellery I own really panics and frustrates me so I keep all my necklaces, bracelets and earrings in 'type' order all nice and separated on the two lovely stands on top of my bookshelf and on the hanging rack which is pinned to the side of my wardrobe.

Above is my bookshelf (Its been in the family for over 15 years so goodness knows where its from!)

The first shelf has 5 small 3 drawes units which are from poundworld and they store my crafty things and jewellery making bits and bats like wire, beads, ribbons, pendants etc. They'd also be great for storing makeup like pencils or individual eyeshadows, Oh I just love these little drawes units because they're so handy and only £1!
The next shelf down has more crafty things like my sewing box, my scrapbook, my bedazzler and my big blue box of beads....phew try saying that 10 times fast!
Then bottom shelf has book and magazines as well as my travel makeup box. Then finally the basket on hold all the things that I use to manage my uncooperative hair, such as straighteners, curlers and industrial strength defrizzer.

Ouuu it all sound so lovely and organised doesn't it!...but then if we look slightly to the left....

Ok so maybe I still have a little more sorting to do....but at least moving around in my room is no longer a full blown obstacle course.

Its proving better for me to sticking to a regular tidying routine or just tidy as I go rather than letting it all build up to the point were I can no longer safely leave my bed without suffering a compete mental has been the cast most of my teenage years.  

Anyway I hope this has given you some ideas or incentive to organise your room too! Trust me its so worth the hours of tediously picking through the piles of utter crap that you've hoarded 'just in case' you may possibly need it one day....Don't worry Im sooo guilty of doing this too!
I will be updating you on state of my room and when Im happier with it I will do a full room tour video on my YouTube channel so watch out for that!

Thanks for reading, see you soon! <3



  1. I love that workstation!
    You sound just like me, my room can be as tidy as it can be, but it still looks a mess! Might have to persuade my parents to let me move rooms :)

    Laura x

  2. I totally agree that having a clean room makes you feel a lot better. I do feel a bit stressed out when my room’s a mess and can’t find the things I need underneath all the clutter. I actually enjoy organizing my things every once in a while because there are things that I find that bring back memories (although that kinda takes up my time in cleaning). Also, I feel so accomplished and productive after seeing how well-sorted everything is.

    Rosalee Scher
