Saturday 2 February 2013

The possibly the best cupcakes ever?


Well this post will be a little lighter (sadly not in calories though) to my first post, Its going to be about cake! and not just any cake, possibly the best cupcakes in the world ever!
I've chosen to write about/review them now rather than continue on from my first post because I am, as we speak eating one...which is very bad as its not only turning my keyboard very sticky but also I had fish and chips for tea...I'm just going to pretend, for tonight that I'm not on a new year's diet and enjoy my naughty treats.

Anyway on with the review...

So as you can see by the picture above they are made by Holly lane, they come in chocolate and strawberry and they boast a 'light sponge' with a 'yummy flavoured topping'...Tempted?...I certainly was!

Now I have to say I wasn't expecting much being that I found them in Aldi and weren't produced from a well known brand but my goodness was I shocked when I finally allowed myself to eat one!

Not only do they look just lovely, they also taste just lovely too and drum roll please.....They are 99p....yes 99p for four! This makes them great for parties or if you have a big family (big as in number not as in weight!)
I am a huge cake fan and have sampled more than my fair share of thighs agree...but I am forever being disappointed by dry sponge and overpowering, 'fake' tasting icing but these...oohh these are different!

They both have THE moistest sponge I've ever come across! Even after they have been opened and not kept in an air tight container, they stay moist! for ages! Which is great for me as I'm really lazy with storing food, I just open it, eat some then pop it back in the cupboard and hope for the best.

To add to the list of things I love about these cupcakes, they have bloody gorgeous icing! The strawberry icing is so subtle and delicate whereas the chocolate icing is very rich so is better for people with a sweet tooth, like me. There is just enough of it too, not to much that its sickly bit not enough that your left chewing just sponge.

....I had to take a bite...for picture purposes of course!...

Ok now not the not so great bit...the calories...oh god dare I look!

Strawberry                                              Chocolate
216 cals                                                  198 cals
23.3g of sugar                                        23.6g of sugar
11.0g of fat                                            7.3g of fat
3.0g sat fats                                           1.5g of sat fats
Actually not to bad for a treat, Bonus! So I go forth and eat cake!.... I know I will!

Thanks for reading and it would be jolly nice if you would check back soon :)

Jazz xx

P.s. For anyone with allergies, they are both contain traces of nuts, wheat, gluten, eggs, soya and dairy products. Oh but they do contain traces of celery, thats something healthy at least! :)

1 comment:

  1. they look so good!
